Thursday, March 29, 2012

Instagram nation

I know all we hear these days are people harping on about how technology is changing the way we live our lives etc, but recently I've realised that a technological phenomenon in the form of an iPhone app is changing the way I consume fashion. Instagram (awarded by Apple Inc as 2011's App of the Year) now has over 10 million users and over 200 million photos have been uploaded. There is a veritable feast of Instagrammers to follow - some of mine include street artists, photographers, magazines, fashion PR agencies, designers and bloggers. The other day, I was thinking of some inspiration for a blog post when a photograph of Taylor Tomasi-Hill popped into my head. I realised that I'd found the photo on Instagram and it made me think... Aside from a handful of fashion blogs, my number one place to keep up-to-date with the fashion world would be Instagram. I even check it more than I check my Facebook (yes, and that's saying something). It works as a quick, easy and mobile way for designers, PR agents and bloggers to share ideas and inspiration. I've seen some clever people even using it as an opportunity to auction off their clothes. As the number of Instagram users continues to grow, it makes me wonder how the app itself will evolve to cater for the amount of users it has. Will Instagram be put on the map as a crucial form of social media for the fashion world? I guess we'll see!

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